Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapter 17

    We got outside, strolling down the pathway to no where, no maps or GPS on system telling us where to head to, all I could do was to follow Chloe's league, following her slow footsteps. Chloe stopped as she saw a group of guys kicking and fooling around with an empty can. Kicking it like playing soccer, and yelling " goal " though I could really figured who was the goalkeeper between those 5 guys in front of us. " You okay? " I whispered behind her, pulling her forward. But she still stopped, and pointed to one of them that was having a puff. Immediately I knew, in the back of her mind, she realized that throwing away her cigarettes was something to regret about. " I'll buy you some " I said, and walked into a store.

 Looking around like I didn't had money while the old man behind the cashier counter was keeping a close eye on me as he stopped reading his newspapers and stood with his back straight. And threw his newspaper down on the floor, making it look like an accident. 

"Can I help you. miss?" sounded like I was about to steal something from his shop. I looked outside and Chloe was just waiting for me, still staring at the guys. I was worried that they would do anything to her. So I just quickly pick one packets of cigarettes from the shelf behind the old man that was blocking my way and paid up.

"Here" I handed her the cigarettes, and she quickly snatched it away from me, putting one in her mouth and reached out her empty hand to me, expecting a lighter, which I've forgotten to buy in the first place. I hit my forehead with the palm of my hands "Shit, I've forgot" I wanted to head back to the store but she pulled me back. 

   "Excuse me" the boys stopped playing around as soon as she stopped. She walked towards them leaving me behind there staring. "May I have a light please?" she took out the cigarette from her mouth. "Sure" a guy came towards her, lighting it for her and smiling. The smile of some pervert which I didn't like as he kept staring down her shirt like she was already naked. 

"We should go" I pulled her from them and started walking back to my car. Strapping her down in the seat. 
"Are you crazy?" I yelled at her, I didn't know why was I angry, I just was. 
"Why are you suddenly so pissed off?" she looked at me, and winded down the window, not keeping the smoke inside suffocating ourselves. I let go off the clutch and stepped on the paddle.

It was already night, skies were getting darker as I couldn't find any moonlight shinning down above us. Not many cars were around. I came to a junction were I almost turned left instead of turning right back to Chloe's and I suddenly found myself back at home. Parking, and turned off the engine. 

"You should stay at my place tonight, not the other way round" I said, getting down and walking to her side of the door while I opened it for her. She, now puffing on her second cigarette, taking a step from my car and spitting. "Am I that messed up?"she asked, leaning back her head hard on the chair and just sat there. I pulled her out of the car. While her hands were swinging everywhere. "Just go. Let me be" she said.

I pulled her up anyway, not wanting any passer by judge her. Calling her names by the way she's reacting like a messed up chick in rebound. " I don't..." she said as she stopped and started to puke. I dragged her to the corner of my house, and she started vomiting the dinner we had earlier. I felt my own stomach thinking it was the food we ate before. But I felt just fine. 

I repeatedly stroke her back "Let it all out" and she puked more and more. Tears were already falling down her cheeks, her face went red and stumbled down on the ground. I took out a napkin that I took from the shop earlier and wiped her mouth before holding her up while putting her arm around my shoulders, pulling her up slowly. Feeling rather bad about all these. She was like a walking corpse, about to take her life out slowly. She wasn't a smoker before, or a drinker. She was none of them and neither was me and May. We were three young girls who were brought up by good families in our generation. But so, Chloe's family was falling apart, and I knew what it was like if I had to be in her place one day. I knew everyone should be ready.

I took the garden hose and wet my hands while I wiped away all the puke that was still dripping down her mouth. I quickly rang the door bell and finding hard to stand on my two feet trying to support Chloe as she kept slipping down. 

"Lea?" dad opened the door and helped me carried Chloe and landed her on the couch. Me, sweating and half of my shirt was wet, grab a class of tap water and drank it before going back to Chloe.

"What happened?" dad felt her pulse and put felt her forehead with the back of his hand. Like a professional doctor. I took a blanket from the store room, and put it over her. "She had a bad day. Her parent's are splitting up. She just couldn't take it anymore" I said, looking around.

"Where's mum? and Jeff?" I asked, hoping to meet them though its already pass 10pm now. Usually mum would sing lullabies for Jeff before she goes to bed along with him. "She's asleep. I could get her if you want me too" dad stood up. "No, its alright dad. I'll look after Chloe, you should sleep" I said, following him halfway up the stairs. 

"Alright then, just give a knock if you need anything" dad gave a kiss on my forehead before entering his master bedroom. "Goodnight"

     I went back to my room, changing into my dry pajamas and went downstairs to find Chloe wasn't there on the couch anymore. The blankets looked like it had been kicked, and I quickly ran outside shouting out her name. Worried sick as my heartbeat could feel some bad urge about to happen, that kills inside. 

"Lea?" she came out from nowhere behind me. Handling me a cup of hot chocolate with small marshmallows.
"Chloe? I thought, you were..."

"Missing?" she laughed. "I got up, and my stomach was empty so I thought I borrowed your kitchen and made some hot chocolate.". I was stupid that I didn't gave 3 seconds to check the kitchen area before heading out to the garden to look for her. 
"Thanks" I took a sip of the hot coco and we both got in, and sat at the dinning table. She looked better, but her face was still as pale as before. " You should change. You're cold" I rubbed my hands on her shoulders trying to make her feel a little warmer. " Come on, I'll dry you up" I said, holding on to her hands up to my room.

    Chloe sat on the toilet bow with the lid down, pulling her legs up. She was only in her undies as I looked for some clothes for her to put on. "Here, put this on" 

"You should get some rest, its late" usually we would stay up all night to gossip about things that didn't came close on bothering us. "Can we talk?" asking me like it was a request. 

"Not in the bathroom we can't" 

     She wrapped herself with my blankets and I sat beside her with my legs folded. "Have you talked to May?" she said. 

"Why would I?" I didn't like how the conversation was going.

"I'm just asking"

"Chloe, does Tyler know about you and your parents?" I asked, wondering why she never talk about Tyler. Not even saying out his name at all ever since we had dinner. Usually she would have some new wonderful things to talk about how she admired him. But she just kept silent.

"He's not important" she said, bluntly.
"I thought he was important. To you." I took out my cellphone and handed it to her. "You should call him, I bet he's worried sick about you" she pushed my hands away. 

"Jeremy would've told him the news. I don't want to be the problematic girl friend to tell him everything." she put her head on my thigh. 

She has a point there, but still. She acted different.

"I just needed you here" she said, as she closed his eyes and went to a deep sleep.

"I'm here" I stroke her hair back and slept next to her.

    In the middle of the night, my cellphone rang. I answered it as fast as lighting, forgotten that my ring tone wasn't silent. It was Jeremy. I went out of the room. 

"Hey, are you okay? Is Chloe okay?" he sounded worried.

"Everything is fine. I'm back home now. Looking after Chloe. She's just in a mess" 

"Yeah, I could see that. Do you want me to come over?"

"Usually, you wouldn't be asking me that question. You would already be over right?" I laughed.

"You're right. Please open to door for me will ya? It's cold outside. Unless you want your boyfriend to freeze" 

I quickly put down the phone and unlocked the door, finding Jeremy outside with a box of pizza. 

"Yummy?" he said. " I bet you're hungry, so thought of bringing something. Since I didn't get the chance to actually have dinner with you girls" he said in a sad tone.

"It's not my fault you didn't want to come with, you know?" grabbing a slice of pizza and chewing it.

"So, where's Chloe?" he asked,  looking at me as he pulled out a chair and sat closer to me making our shoulders meet.

"She's fast asleep upstairs."

"I told Tyler about her. And her smoking.." he stopped.

I frowned at him immediately. "What? He has to know what's been going on with his girl." he said, holding on to my hands.

"Its been a while since I actually spend my time with you." he said.

"Don't change the topic Prince Charming" I smiled and held on to his hands tighter. I landed my head on his shoulders and he put his other arm around me. Cuddling.

"Too many things happen. And you're still here. With me" I look up to him. Hoping that my simple words would actually meant something to him, as he did mean everything to me.

"As long as I'm here. Everything will be fine" kissed my forehead.

"Will it?" I asked.

"I believe it will. I promise you" he pulled my cheeks up and gave a small peck on my lips.

"I trust you Jeremy"

   " Do tell Tyler that Chloe is at my place, he could come and visit anytime he wants to" getting back to the topic.

   "I don't want to see anyone" Chloe came out from behind the wall and pulled out a chair and just sat there in front of me and Jeremy. "Chloe, I thought you were asleep?" I said as Jeremy let go of my shoulders, feeling a little awkward.

" I was, but then. I didn't felt safe, when you weren't there. Now I know why" she looked at Jeremy. A cold look. This wasn't like her, this wasn't like her at all. Her stare was as if, she was jealous about Jeremy being with me.

"He came over, and he brought pizza's. You should have some" 

"I'm not hungry" her eyes still looking at Jeremy. Making him felt uncomfortable. "I guess I should go" he got up and headed to the door. " Don't " I said, pulling him back.
"It's late. You don't want to have your girlfriend to have a headache in the morning now do you?" Chloe said as she stood next to me. I was annoyed enough to pull Jeremy closer to me. "You could stay if you want to" I said, frowning at Chloe.

"Suit yourself." she went back upstairs and slammed my door.

"I think she doesn't want me around, I could go" 
"No, she's not the owner of the house here. Besides, I want you here" I said, holding on to his arm.

      "Is there anything you'd like to tell me Lea?" he caught me looking upstairs to my room. "No, nothing that will concern you. I'm fine" I kissed his cheeks, pretending that everything is alright. When deep down, I knew something was odd with Chloe. And I've got to find out what and why.

"I bumped into Leon and May earlier. I was buying some groceries with my mum. And they were buying apples or something." I wasn't interested to hear the rest. "I don't want to know anything about them"

Jeremy came over behind me, and hug me from the back. " I know, I'm sorry".
"Its not your fault. I'm just too sensitive about their issues. I would like it, if I only think about you." I said.
" I want to forget about them" I continued.

"You will" he said.

    There was a loud knock on the door. Jeremy opened it to find Tyler. " Where's Chloe!" she rushed in, pushing Jeremy aside.

"Dude, seriously? At this hour?" I said angrily. "Well, what do you expect? My own girl friend wouldn't tell me anything" he said and looked upstairs.

"She's in your room isn't she?" he wanted to go upstairs but didn't as me and Jeremy both pulled him back down. "Do keep quiet will you?"

"Are you insane? Its 2am, my parents would be awake with your ruckus !"
"Seriously Ty, we'll come back here in the morning alright?" Jeremy pushing him out.

"Jeremy could come by. And I couldn't? I wanna see Chloe !" he shouted. I closed him mouth with my hands. " If you ever ever shout again, I ain't gonna let you see her. Now please, just go." 

Jeremy pulled Tyler away.
"I'm sorry. I'll call you later." he said as he kept dragging Tyler away from my house, a little further away now.

    I went back upstairs, to find Chloe just sitting there on my bed, not sleeping. 

"That was long..." she said.


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